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網(wǎng)站首頁 -> 主機(jī)頻道 -> 電玩攻略教程 -> 撕紙小郵差 全收集劇情白金攻略
撕紙小郵差 全收集劇情白金攻略作者:dark_raven666 來源:psnine 2014/8/8 10:54:47 我要評論(0)
紙藝設(shè)計(jì)圖:5 / 隱藏禮物:4 / 其他待辦事項(xiàng):1
隱藏禮物 1
As you're jumping across the drums, you'll reach a checkpoint
underneath a big flower. Head left across this drum to find the Present.
紙藝設(shè)計(jì)圖 1 - Squirrel
Location: Immediately after the first Present, advance forward to see the Squirrel King without his colour. Take a photo.
紙藝設(shè)計(jì)圖 2 - Crocus
Location: Climb up the drums and take out the few Scraps. The Papercraft is above you.
紙藝設(shè)計(jì)圖 3 - Conifer
Keep advancing until you come to a checkpoint with two bridges in front
of it - a brown and a green one. From here, look right with your
隱藏禮物 2
From the above location, take the bridge on the left to find the
Squirrel King again. Climb this area and leave through the door behind
the Squirrel King to find another Present.
隱藏禮物 3
Return to the main path and follow the sliding drums. Climb until you
reach a new platform with a checkpoint. Cross the bridge to your left to
find it inside the plant.
紙藝設(shè)計(jì)圖 4 - Wall Flowers
Location: After placing the apples into the water, climb up to the new platform and cross the bridge to find it.
隱藏禮物 4
Location: At the drumming ritual, after learning how to jump, jump onto the platform with the Present.
紙藝設(shè)計(jì)圖 5 - Drum
Keep advancing through the drumming ritual until you bounce off a drum
onto a small platform with a dancing apple. Behind the apple in the
background is the drum.
其他待辦事 1
Location: In the final area of the chapter, in the fieldRequirement: Pin 2 eyes onto the Seed Mummer.
相關(guān)閱讀:撕紙小郵差故事宣傳片 11月22日發(fā)售http://www.daiyou8.com/tv/29373.html《奧日與迷霧森林》通關(guān)后想收集就只能重http://www.daiyou8.com/tv/59965.html
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大小:15.63G / 語言:簡體《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記X無雙》日版,本座是由光榮旗下無雙系列制作組Omega Force開發(fā)的動作游戲,改編自《銀河英雄傳說》小說家田中芳樹原著、自1986年連載至今的架空歷史小說《亞爾斯蘭戰(zhàn)記》,采用《鋼之鍊金術(shù)師》漫畫家荒川弘執(zhí)筆之同名漫畫改編電視動畫版設(shè)定為基礎(chǔ),融合架空歷史劇情與大規(guī)模戰(zhàn)場戰(zhàn)斗。XBOX360斬妖除魔地獄詛咒
大小:1.95G / 語言:英文Nordic Games宣布要為PC玩家?guī)鞵ainKiller新作《斬妖除魔:地獄詛咒(Painkiller:Hell & Damnation)》。該作由波蘭游戲工作室Gliwice/Katowice負(fù)責(zé)開發(fā),首次將該系列升級至虛幻3引擎。XBOX360猴子島的秘密2特別版
大小:957M / 語言:英文《猴子島的秘密2特別版》是Lucasfilm旗下的經(jīng)典解謎游戲《Monkey Island》系列的最新版,在新版中不僅僅是在畫面上重新進(jìn)行了再次制作,連音樂、旁白都是全新的。可以說這是一款全新的《Monkey Island》也不為過。XBOX360山姆和麥克斯拯救世界
大小:460M / 語言:英文《山姆和麥克斯:拯救世界》是一系列逗趣得獎作品中的第一彈,這系列作品中每一季共有6集的內(nèi)容。在游戲中主角Sam以及他那活蹦亂跳的兔子伙伴Max這次遇到了棘手的謎題,他們身邊的人忽然全都受到了催眠。不但是童星們與熱門脫口秀的主持人個(gè)個(gè)精神不濟(jì),就連美國總統(tǒng)都中了招!到底 Sam與Max能否在整個(gè)世界陷入昏迷之前找出整件陰謀的幕后元兇呢?XBOX360卡坦島
大小:25.6M / 語言:英文卡坦島是一款比較不錯(cuò)的思考策略游戲。游戲以大航海時(shí)代時(shí)航海家發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)資源豐富的島嶼為背景。該島嶼被喚作卡坦島。卡坦島由平原、草原、森林、山丘及山脈組成。
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