Official Cydia description:(官方軟件介紹,Cydia中正版的價格為$4.00。)
A File Manager and Viewer. iFile is a file manager runnning under user root. It allows fast navigation through the iPhone file system. You can create, delete, copy, cut (move), paste or zip multiple files or directories at once. Viewers for various file types are included, e.g. movies, images, sound, text, HTML, plists, Microsoft and Apple types, PDF, various compressed formats. PDF and image files can be viewed at large zoom scalees. You can directly jump to specified pages in a PDF. ZIP packing and compressed file unpacking is also supported. Debian packages can be directly installed. Files can be sent as email attachments. Text files and property lists can be edited. Folders and files can be bookmarked. In addition, files can be uploaded and downloaded from iFile’s built-in web server. Last but not least, the built-in audio player can be used together with Music Controls (Cydia). Files saved from a web page with the Safari Download Manager or from an email with AttachmentSaver can be directly opened in iFile.
1.4.2-1 - 修正及功能發布
關聯網頁瀏覽器和文本編輯器到 SVG 文件(MIME 類型:image/svg+xml);
Registered versions of iFile give the user additional functionality. For 1.3.2-2 this is
File name search. 注冊版可優先體驗新功能,如在1.3.2-2中,可使用文件名搜索功能
External viewer support.支持外部的瀏覽工具
Playlist playing in Audio Player.內建的音頻播放器支持播放列表功能
Display of song title instead of file name for audio files.在ifile中可直接顯示歌曲的名字。大家都知道,ipod軟件會把通過itunes導入的歌曲取上一些不規則的名字…
Display of thumbnails instead of default icons for images.圖片文件有縮略圖了
Text editor search functionality.內建文本編輯器新增了查找功能。
iFile-to-iFile Bluetooth file transfer (registration only required for sender - not for receiver)兩天iOS設備可在ifile中通過藍牙發送文件。不少朋友已經使用過啦吧?傳文件可以不用email了。(發送方須為注冊版用戶)
WebDAV support of Web Server.webdav支持web服務器
Unregistered versions will behave the same way as 1.0.0-2 or 1.0.1-1, i.e. they show a registration pop-up once a day.
- 下載地址Android版iPhone版Mac版iPad版
iphone必備:iFile (包含iFile依賴包下載) 最新1.4.2-1破解版
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 全女格斗QOF2012+(暫未上線)
- 類型:動作冒險
- 大小:1.10G
- 去下載
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- 0