-Patch Notes- Current (v188.0) & Upcoming (v188.1, ETA: Tonight EDT)
Current ARK Official Server Network Servers Version: 188.0
Very soon this week:
85% faster loading speed option (first time will be slower, testing a new caching method)
Resource costs to repair a structure are now listed in a tooltip popup when you are hovering over the Repair option
Mac & Linux Controller Support: for your Steam Controllers! What's that you say? You don't have a Steam Controller yet?! Oh ok, it'll also work with regular controllers ;)
Meganeura (Dragonfly)!
Collidable Saddle Platform & Build-on-Saddles: make your big ♥♥♥♥ brontos and plesios into mobile bases with sleeping bags on 'em or turrets!
Increase to 4.0 Difficulty on Official Server Network (and increase of difficulty cap to 4.0)
A little further out:
- MASSIVE GPU Perf Gain for NVIDIA cards, about 10 Miliseconds per frame (this can be up to a 20-40% gain depending on your FPS). Coming as soon as NVIDIA will let us get these new drivers out...
- Random GPU Driver crash fix: TrueSky
- Competitive "ARK: Survival of the Fittest" game type
- Specific Representative "on-ground" meshes for all dropped items
Upcoming Version: v188.1, ETA: Tonight EDT
* Non-Dedicated Host Session: for small groups to play cooperatively -- you use singleplayer saves with this mode, seamlessly!
Current Version: v188.0
Note: For ARK Server Admins, v188 will upon first launch overwrite your server's "ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\LinuxOrWindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini". This was an unintended side effect of modifying the Default INI that it derives from, but sadly we can't revert the change. So you can restore your server's previous GameUserSettings INI values after updating if you wish. We'll make sure that this INI overwrite doesn't happen again, however. Thank you very much ARK Server admins!
* New Structure: "Single Panel Flag" which is a simple flag that has one solid panel canvas, handy for custom painting onto.
* Massive performance improvement to structural integrity calculation (namely, less lag/stalls on the server when destroying/replacing pieces of large connected structures)
* Bronto now likes a certain Kibble ;)
* Eggs are about 50% more common to find
* Eggs now last for 30 min on ground (prev was 20 min)
* Ant (Titanomyrma) will not follow you into Water anymore. Land insects don't like water ;)
* Fixed a bug with structure limits (PhysX overlap limit was being exceeded), and reset the default value to 6000 (should cover even the biggest current bases that we've seen on Official Servers). The new configurable/commandline value is: NewMaxStructuresInRange=6000
* Swimming backwards on a dino no longer desyncs with the server
* Tamed Scorp shouldn't drown anymore. In fact various tamed dinos that were not swimming to the surface should now try to stay on the surface when not being ridden.
* Fixed pop-in of underwater cave meshes
* Per-Pixel Sign painting, with real-time multiplayer simultaneous painting: please don't draw offensive things!
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