
Patch 5 (released: 10/21/13)
Fix for an issue where Marauders could spawn on the cribship
Fix for an issue with the gun fire audio playing for the machine gun included in the GAT V DLC pack
Fix for an issue where certain weapon icons would appear when they shouldn in store interfaces
Fix for some missions where the player male animation set would replace the female animation set
Fix for radio control bindings while on foot
Fix to the weapon menu where the player is unable to scroll after receiving more than 9 special weapons
Fix to for some players who were unable to become fireproof
Improved overall stability of the game
Various UI fixes for running the game with Eyefinity, including improved heath indications and weapon inventory screen updates
Fix for crash where the player attempts to switch to fullscreen and it fails.
Added support for future DLC
Improved camera behavior while flying a VTOL
The Client will now pause gameplay when joining a Host game while the host is on the nvite friendsmenu after initially loading a CO-OP game
The voice chat option will now only be enabled while CO-OP is active

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