Graphics delta chrome 硌三角制圖
Police report 警方罰單
Feat report 統計表
Text message 版本信息 “CTSBASE”cts本部(基地)
You are getting tried,you should find a place to rest.(你已經感到疲勞,應該找個地方休息一下了)
You have delivered the cargo.(你已經成功卸貨)
You are taking too long-if you do not finish the job in 24 hours,you will be fined for late delivery.(如果你在一天內還沒有完成送貨任務或者送貨晚了,你將會被罰款,這樣將會影響你的營業收入)
You are running out of fuel!you should find a gas station.(由于長時間行車,你應該找個加油站加燃料了)
Obey traffic lights on intersections.(在交叉路口要遵守交通規則)
When evening comes do not forget to turn on your headlights.(當傍晚來臨的時候不要忘記打開車前大燈)
Driving in the dark without lights is a traffic offence.(在黑夜駕車時沒有開燈是違反交通的)
Novice 新手 Experienced 有經驗的Professional 職業的
Table ware 餐具
toys 玩具
Rubber tyres 橡膠輪胎
apples 蘋果
Cheese 干酪
dry milk 奶粉
Frozen food 冷凍食品
ice cream 冰淇淋
Meat 食物
oranges 柑橘橙
Packaged food 包裝食品
potatoes 馬鈴薯
Sugar 蔗糖
tomatoes 西紅柿
Yoghurt 酸奶
acid 硫酸
Chemicais 化學藥品
diesel 柴油
Fertilizer 肥料
hot chemicais 熱化學品
Petrol 汽油
car parts 車輛配件
Clothes 服裝
coal 煤炭
Electronics 電子儀器
fumiture 家具
Glass 玻璃制品
gravel 礫石
Iron pipes 鐵管
logs 原木
Medical supplies 醫藥品
ore 礦石
Lumber 木材