歐陸風云4MEIOU and Taxes大型MOD1.11

這是一個歐陸風云4的MEIOU and Taxes大型MOD下載,MEIOU and Taxes 是一個非常大型的MOD, 修改,新增超過970個省份和450個國家。幾乎重新制作了所有東西,包括全新的地圖,全新的貿易系統,圖形,和修改宗教系統。很不錯的一個MOD,推薦給玩家下載。
其中中國部分刪除了Han(漢)和Cantonese(粵),修改為Hanyu, Yueyu。并增加Jinyu Hakka Xiang Ganyu Zhongyuan Lussong Wuhan Minyu Lanyin Lussong Sichuanhua
Fixed the Habsburg flag.
Fixed the event about the Agreement regarding the Helsingborg Castle.
Countries now start with -1 tolerance to heresy instead of -1.5.
Rebalanced piety and negative piety.
A higher penalty to missionary chance in non-core provinces.
Church corruption events are now more frequent and cause more reform desire.
The "Reformation Spreads" event has been split into two with very slightly different triggers and texts (Magisterial Reformation and Populist Reformation).
Madagascar is now Animist.
Catholic countries leaning towards the Reformation will now gain religious unity for some time in order to encourage the AI not to use missionaries against Protestant provinces early in the Reformation.
Choosing to donate land to the church now costs less ducats, and will now add legitimacy and prestige as well as piety and church influence.
A few Russian provinces start with a tiny Rodnover minority.
Changed the localisation of "Ridnoviry" and "Teotl".
Papacies can no longer choose to support humanism over the church.
Fixed a bug in which smaller countries could support both humanism and the renaissance simultaneously.
It is possible to amass church reform desire at an earlier date (around 1400).
Human players no longer get access to the Religious Idea group. Instead, they will be offered one of five different religious idea groups depending on their religion and their present circumstances. Up to four religious idea groups may be chosen in total if desired.
England made the leader in the Breton War of Succession/HYW.
Trade income rebalanced.
Armies are slightly less expensive.
AI given some help dealing with interest on loans.
Global RR reduction modifiers reduced slightly, non cores give a base of 1RR.
New upgrades to trade.
Correction and upgrade of the new monarch and personality events.
Fixed a bug with double trade.
Added a Constantinople-Naples route.
Removed sea provinces from nodes.
All nodes are now on land.
Lapurdi now trades through Bordeaux.
Rosello now trades through Barcelona.
Trois-Évêchés now trades through Paris.
Venice now produces glass (Venetian glass is famous from before 1356 to even today).
Padoa produces leather (famed for it).
Naples produces leather (notable for it, helps represent the wealth).
Landshut now produces leather (Bavaria was know for producing leather goods, also, lederhosen).
Fixed a bug with Steppes region.
Fixed province history files of the Principality of Great Perm.
Fixed province history files in Canada.
Fixed the trigger of the cb_primitives.
Fixed the dynasty of Verona.
Fixed the Verona common files.
Fixed the localization of catalan_group.
Fixed the localizations of a couple of units.
Fixed RMN ideas giving crazy defensiveness (now 20%).
Implemented OYO ideas by crabwaggle.
Fixed Lord Proprietor not giving additional settlers. Balanced few advisors.
Fixed de Lusignan dynasty for CYP/KAM. Also fixed KAM not having catholic state religion.
Fixed several region localizations.
Fixed continents, regions and climates province IDs.
Fixed Bosnia and Usora starting cultures.
Slovak culture in Pressburg and Erstzgom.
Forming KOJ now gives KOJ ideas.
Implemented TEU ideas by Roflpotamus (with tweaking by myzael; also based on rybka's input).
Implemented LIV ideas by margustoo (with tweaking by myzael).
Nerfed some of the ideas that were nerfed in 1.3 patch in vanilla (SON/USA/NPL).
Teutonic Order can only for Prussia if it has converted from Catholicism.
Fixed the religious government change.
Improved the map of the Netherlands.
Arctic/boreal and arid climates now have an impact on tradegoods production.
Fixed initial France modifier.
Fixed the provinces part of the arctic/boreal and of the arid climates.
Fixed the capital city name of Rimini.
Added a flavour event for Mali : Songhai revolt.
Added events for rebellions against the Mongols.
Fixed desert and desert mountain terrain issues.
Fixed the position of the Carpathian Mountains.
Added ideas for KNI, MAL and KON/NDO/LOA from vanilla.
Added HUN ideas for RHU.
Fixed LGZ not having SIL ideas.
Fixed anatolian_beyliks_ideas. They now include yorouk culture. Ghazi idea for them also fixed.
Balanced (nerfed) a few ideas for RAG, CRO and RMN/TRA/WAL/MOL.
Fixed misspelled/wrong idea effect modifiers for KRA, GRE, GAL and NAV.
Fixed existing English localisation for all ideas.
Added missing localisation for TRE_ideas.
Added PRM ideas by AndreasPhokas.
Added CRN ideas by SeaWombat and modified WLS ideas to concern Wales only.
Added DNZ ideas by apiks.
Added UTR ideas by tinholt.
Added ruthenian (KIE/GVO) ideas by moscal.
Added Valencian and Balearic cultures.
Changes to the Spanish map.
Changes to the Netherlands map.
Changes to the Italy map.
Fixed many positions.
Fixed a display bug with religious icons.
The Kingdom of Armenia now begins with the Catholic state religion imposed by the Lusignan dynasty, but with the Oriental Orthodox religion in its lone province (Armenian Apostolic church).
Balanced morale NIs to conform with the 1.2 percentage modifier instead of pre 1.2 constant modifier.
Nerfed SCA and NAV ideas.
Switched the order of modifiers in RIM and MAN ideas to make them conform to the 2 tradition 1 ambition scheme.
Implemented VER ideas by VeneziaIstanbul (tweaked).
Implemented CYP ideas by starwarsfan541 (tweaked).
Implemented BUL/TAR/VID/DOB ideas by apiks and Irwin (tweaked).
Implemented ARM/KAM ideas by Irwin.
Added VER fluff (historical ideas; leader, monarch, ship and army names; changed gov. to desp. mon.) by VeneziaIstanbul.
Added KOJ ideas by insanelyapple (tweaked).
Nerfed discipline bonuses in NIs. Only Prussia gets more than 10% (15% in fact).
Fixed several islands and coasts.
Religious conversion should now work properly for all religions. This should fix reported problems with Romuva converting some provinces and may also fix the rapid disappearance of the Adivati.
Balanced morale bonuses/maluses in modifiers.
Implemented KHM ideas by neodnt.
Fixed some localisations issues (including the trade node ones).
Fixed a bug with the Sveridge/Swedish Civil War events.
Temporarily removed the bi-yearly revolt events pending a proper fix.
C:\Users\用戶名\Documents(我的文檔)\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV在里面新建"mod"文件夾。 把解壓的文件放入mod文件夾內。mod文件夾必須為英文小寫字母。
C:\Users\用戶名\Documents(我的文檔)\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\mod\

歐陸風云4MEIOU and Taxes大型MOD 1.11
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