
——饑餓 Hunger
饑餓是中度增長的需求 Hunger is medium-slow growing need
生命力對饑餓的影響最大,反之亦然 Vitality has the biggest effect on the hunger and vica versa
你擁有的活力越少,你的饑餓感就會越快 the less vitality you have the faster hunger's gonna grow
如果你達到饑餓的臨界水平,將會慢慢消耗 if you reach critical levels of hunger vitality will slowly drain
如果充分的腎上腺素會消耗更慢,如果餓得更快 If fully sated adrenaline will deplete slower, and if hungry faster
你體內的毒性和腎上腺素越多,你的饑餓感就會上升得越慢,而在戰(zhàn)斗中,喝藥水和獲得更高的報酬會更有回報 the more toxicity and adrenaline you have, hunger will rise slower there fore drinking potion and being agressive in combat is more rewarding
飲食可以減少饑餓 Eating reduces hunger
增加了吃的定制動畫 Added custom animation for eating
每一種食物的刀尖都顯示出減少量,這取決于食物的質量 Amount of reducing is shown in the tool tip of every food and depends on food quality
有些飲料也能減少饑餓感(像牛奶),但很少 Some drinks also reduce hunger ( like milk ) but very little
——口渴 Thirst
口渴是最快的,但也會因為喝得最快而減少 Thirst rises the fastest, but is also reduced by drinks the fastest
它主要與耐力有關 It is mostly connected to the stamina
你的耐力越少,它就會越快上升 The less stamina you have, the faster it's gonna rise
完全干渴完全否定耐力再生! Being completely thirsty fully negates stamina regeneration!
如果不渴,你將獲得額外的耐力 if not thirsty you will get additional stamina regen
毒性水平也會降低很多人的口渴 Toxicity level also slows down thirst rising by a lot
在戰(zhàn)斗中,你會更快地口渴 During combat you'll get thirsty a little faster
飲料可以解渴,任何種類的飲料 Drinks reduce thirst, any kind of drink
添加自定義動畫用于飲酒 Added custom animation for drinking
有些食物也能減少口渴,比如水果,但很少 Some food also reduce thirst like fruits but very little
格爾特還可以從河流和湖泊中飲水。但由于它是戰(zhàn)爭時期,到處都是血和尸體,喝它也會增加Geralt的毒性 Geralt can also drink water from rivers and lakes. But since it's war time and it's full of blood and corpses, drinking it will also rise Geralt's toxicity
——疲勞 Fatigue
疲勞是增長最慢的需求 Fatigue is the slowest growing need
有些數(shù)據(jù)會影響它,但不會影響它們 Some stats affect it, but it doesn't affect them
它受到累贅的影響。越被阻礙的幼苗,越快的疲勞生長。 It is affected by encumbrance. The more encumbered Geralt is, the faster fatigue is gonna grow.
它也受到了一種護甲的影響。越重,疲勞越快。 It is also affected by type of armor Geralt is wearing. The heavier it is the faster fatigue is gonna grow.
疲勞通常與戰(zhàn)斗有關 Fatigue is generally connected to combat
當達到一定程度的疲勞時,你就不能執(zhí)行某些動作了:沖刺、躲閃、阻塞、滾動、跳躍,甚至跑到最后階段 When reached certain levels of tiredness, you won't be able to perform certain actions like: sprinting, dodging, blocking, rolling, jumping and even running in the latest stages
通過冥想來減少疲勞,大約6 - 8小時就能達到100%到0% Fatigue is reduced by meditating, about 6 - 8 hrs to get form 100% to 0%
如果你吃得過多或過量,也會提高你的疲勞程度,并開始影響你的戰(zhàn)斗,所以要小心你吃了多少,什么時候吃。 If you overeat or overdrink that will also rise your fatigue level, and will start affecting your combat so be careful how much you eat and when.
如果你在不餓或不渴的時候吃了過多或過量,過了一段時間后,Geralt將會嘔吐(這是最初的時候,你可以打開它) If you overeat or overdrink when not hungry or thirsty, after some time Geralt will puke ( this is initially off, tho you can turn it on )
如果你達到100%的疲勞,Geralt將無法繼續(xù),并將躺在地面上睡一個小時,恢復一點疲勞 If you reach maximum of 100% fatigue, Geralt will be unable to continue and will lie on the ground and sleep for about an hour, restoring a bit of fatigue
——尿 Urine
尿液也是需要追蹤的需求之一 Urine is also one of the needs that need to be tracked
它有10水平 It has 10 levels
它只會在你喝酒的時候升起 It only rises when you drink
如果你過量飲酒,它會上升得更快(可以調整) if you overdrink it will rise faster (can be tweaked)
為小便添加了自定義動畫(可以禁用) Custom Animation has been added for urinating (can be disabled)
在公共場合小便被認為是不被社會接受的,如果他們看到你,他們可能會攻擊你 Urinating in public is deemed socially unacceptable and guards might attack you if they see you
只有當你的尿量超過一半的時候,你才能手動排尿。手動排尿可以中斷(默認鍵F10) You can manually urinate only when you have urine level over half.Manual urinating can be interrupted ( Default key F10 )
無論你身在何處,你都會自動撒尿。自動排尿不能被打斷,所以要小心你的尿液水平。 You will automatically urinate if you reach maximum level, no matter where you are. Automatic urinating cannot be interrupted, so be careful of your urine level.
它在HUD中顯示為黃色條 It is shown in the HUD as a yellow bar
——糞便 Feces
大便是最后的需要 Feces is the last need
它有20個水平(上升較慢,然后尿液) it has 20 levels (rises slower then urine)
它只有在你吃東西的時候才會上升 it rises only when you eat food
如果你吃得過多,它會上升得更快(可以調整) If you overeat it will rise faster (can be tweaked)
定制的defecating動畫已經(jīng)添加了(這不僅僅是一個crouch,但它仍然在做這個工作) Custom defecating animation has been added ( which is more of just a crouch, but still it's doing the job )
在公眾場合大便被認為是社會不可接受的,如果他們看到你,他們可能會攻擊你 Defecating in public is deemed socially unacceptable and guards might attack you if they see you
同樣的手動和自動排便規(guī)則適用于小便(默認鍵F11) S ame rules for manual and automatic defecation apply as for the urinating ( Default key F11 )
它在HUD中被顯示為一個棕色的酒吧 It is shown in the HUD as a brown bar
——一般 General每個需要都是可以的,所以如果你不想要它,干脆關掉它 Every need is togglable, so if you don't want it, simply turn it off
當你無法控制你的角色(快速的旅行、鏡頭等)時,需求也會上升,但每個人都有自己的極限,而且不能超過這個限度。菜單上可以改變嗎 During times when you don't have the control over your character ( fast travel, cutscenes etc ), needs will also rise, but each one has its limit on this, and it cannot rise over that much. Can be changed in the menu
冥想減緩了饑餓感和口渴的速度(慢了10倍——可以調整),同時減少疲勞。 Meditation slows the progress down of hunger and thirst by a lot (10 times slower - can be adjusted), while reduces fatigue.
所有的buffs和debuff都需要根據(jù)需要級別進行縮放(這意味著80%的饑渴將會使更小的耐力重新開始,然后是81%) All buffs and debuff needs give are scaled according to need level ( meaning 80% thirst will give slighlty smaller stamina regen debuff then 81% for example )
Puking將會引起Puking效應!在嘔吐后的一個小時里,Geralt將拒絕進食或飲水,他的需求將會上升得更快。做這個簡單的冥想一個小時 Puking will cause Puking Effect! For an hour after puking Geralt will refuse to eat or drink and his needs will rise faster. To counter this simply meditate for an hour
3.把這條復制進去:<Var builder="Input" id="PNToggleHud" displayName="PNToggleHud" displayType="INPUTPC" actions="PNToggleHud" />
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